Corporations / Healthcare / Mental Health / Senior Care / Communities
The Grief of Estrangement
Understanding the grief of estrangement
Estrangement is defined as being “out of touch” resulting in feelings of loneliness, sadness, and grief.
Estranged families/social systems often divide into factions, each person “in the right” to include rifts, disruption, and lapses in personal connections lasting months/years. Isolation may not include discordance, but presents with an acute desire to reunite with loved ones combined with increasing fears for sustained isolation.
By incorporating insights from current research, participants will be introduced to techniques to identify contributory patterns related to estrangement together with resources to create ways to remain connected, resolve conflict before or as it arises and build resilience.
Workshops and discussions can be customized to meet the needs of your organization or group.
is a trademarked educational program of
Hearts of Hope Foundation, Inc.
Contact us to learn more about this workshop.