Hearts of Hope Bucks County, PA

Hearts of Hope's principal business and administrative office is in Perkasie, PA.

Here, Hearts of Hope kits are prepared and shipped nationwide. We are proud of our volunteers, who contribute countless hours to keeping our operations running smoothly.

Interested in Volunteering?

Whether you have a little time or a lot, we have volunteer opportunities for every age and ability. School-aged volunteers are eligible for service hours! Volunteers help with all the steps needed for the Hearts of Hope Community Service Program at this location. These include:

  • Preparing unpainted ceramic hearts to be shipped to groups nationwide in Hearts of Hope kits.
  • Checking Hearts of Hope gifts that are returned to make sure painted hearts and message cards are matched.
  • Answering questions from groups that plan Hearts of Hope events.
  • Helping with "pop-up" and "Paint with a Purpose" events as these occur in Bucks County, PA

Location of "Paint with a Purpose" events in Bucks County, PA

Watch for "Pop-Up" event announcements throughout the year on FB at @OurHeartsofHope or on Instagram @heartsofhope

Contact Hearts of Hope Bucks County, PA

Vicki / Studio Coordinator / admin@ourheartsofhope.org